Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Supplies

I know that I have been really absent from posting my work.  I have been working on all different kinds of things so don't worry!  I have 2 picture afghans going on right now along with some tatting that I have been working on.

I decided last week that I was a good girl and went to the Handy Hands website and got myself a few new things.  I hope this was the motivation that I needed to get my butt in gear and start working on more stuff.  I have my eye on that Candy Cane!  I got some of the new thread that was just released as well.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week......Ill post some work soon!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Puppies, Puppies and more Puppies

Thing have been a little crazy.  I wanted to let you know that I was a little unprepared for when my dog had her babies.  She had the puppies and wanted nothing to do with cleaning them up or the cords.  Well that left me to do all the work.  I didn't have my OB kit that I have when I am at work so I had to fall back onto something that we were told we could use when I was in EMT class as a last resort.  Some sort of thread/shoe string.  I used size 40 thread to tie off and cut the cords on all the babies.  All are doing well and mommy is doing great with the babies.  Here are some pictures of them.

Baby #2 - Girl

Baby # 5 - Boy Nicknames Tanker
Baby# 3 - Girl - Sophie
Mamma with all 5 babies
This was the x-ray to see how many babies we were going to have.

This is baby #4 - Boy

Baby #1 - Girl

Friday, March 23, 2012

Santa came late but well worth the wait!

Santa had come late to my house this year.  I was blessed with a lot of Tatting supplies.  I am very thankful for my gift that I got.  I as started trying to tat with size 40 thread.  I have been working with it, but not much to show for right now.  

I have to say that I LOVE the tread holder and if you don't have one yet its well worth the money!
 I know that this is a lot of thread but I have to say that I will be set for a very long time.

Life has got away from me

I know it has been a long time since I have posted on here.  It is as simple as life has got away from me.  Everything has been a roller coaster for me and I have been trying to hold everything together as much as I can.  I was able to get this lil guy done before Christmas.  I can't remember what pattern it is or where I have got the pattern from.  I will still share it.